I wanted to give you a not so quick update regarding the Year of Megan. Namely, I wanted to let you know how weeks three through whatever have gone.
Week Three (?) was centered on reading to Katelyn every day. This beautiful girl loves to read. I can't remember the first time she picked up a chewed up board book to flip through the pictures. That's how long it has been that she has enjoyed a good read. She loves to read and it is practically the only time she can sit still. Because of this, I have used her love of books as a moment to clean my house, make phone calls, and do other less noble things like surf Pinterest and watch Judge Judy. But I have been feeling guilty about it because I love to read and I enjoy reading children's books. I feel like I should be fostering her love of books rather than using it as a blissful moment of sweet, sweet quiet time. So I made it my goal for week three to read to Katelyn everyday. On my busier days, this means a quick book before bedtime. But, on the days that I have really made an effort, we have found ourselves spending precious moments on the couch, snuggled under a blanket, enjoying some seriously good literature. (Who said that Dickens was any better than
Pat the Bunny?) Week three has opened my eyes to the mother daughter bonding time that I was missing by not taking the time to read every day.
This picture is an oldie and technically she is reading a magazine but you get the idea.
For Week Four I finally got around to starting some semblance to an exercise routine. I'm not sure I could justify calling is exercise though. Does begrudgingly dragging myself around the block while complaining count? I mean, true complaining takes some effort. Kate seems to benefit the most from my "exercise" because she gets to go for a ride on her bike. I hate exercise more than I hate dieting and I just don't feel like I'm in a place where I can talk about it cheerfully. Give me another week and maybe I'll be happier about it.

Week Five has also been about one of those not so fun goals. I spent week five focusing on keeping my home sort of clean. I'm sure my visiting teachers will beg to differ as they spent an hour sitting on my couch with their feet resting on a rug that was embedded with cracker crumbs. Anyway, I have never professed to be a great or even acceptable housekeeper. I'm really messy and so is Dave. I hate cleaning and keeping my home tidy is really difficult for me. This week, I worked on making sure everything was picked up, put away, dishes done, and laundry folded before I went to bed. I know this is basic for many people. But I'm domestically challenged when it comes to cleaning though so it's all about baby steps for me. Truth be told, I love a clean house. (Because, really, who doesn't?) So I find that I'm less stressed throughout the day.
That's it for now. I am completely caught up in my weekly reports. So far, the Year of Megan has been a wonderful experience, even if only to gain more awareness in my journey to self fulfillment. I have a very, very long way to go but I feel good about trying. Also, I mess up a lot but I'm trying not to be an all or nothing kind of person.
But that's a blog post for another day.
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