Thursday, October 25, 2012

quiet day

My mom was gone all afternoon at a wedding photography shoot so little Kate and I were left on our own.  When I woke up this morning, I was so tired on account of Katelyn's random 3 AM feeding session.  So I decided that it would be a quiet day.

Baby K spent the entire day in her pajamas...

...and sported this hair don't.

You can tell that my photographer mom was gone today.  I caught a lot of quality "action shots" like this...

...and this.

I also declared that today was a nursing day, a day where Kate and I skip her usual lunch of baby food in lieu of sitting on the couch watching reruns of Barefoot Contessa and nursing Kate whenever she wants.  It is very relaxed and very quiet.  Katelyn and I took two long naps on the couch and the only chore I did was some laundry, which I did very quietly.

After a while, the walls started to close in on us so we went to the most quiet place we could think of: the library.

It turned out that early voting at the library so it was not quite so quiet.

I used to wish that libraries had carts for all the books I was carrying around but now I have a stroller, so it's all good.

Kate was so sleepy when we left the library and on the way home, she fell into a deep sleep.  She looked so comfortable by the time we got home so I left her in her car seat and just sat in the parked car listening to the radio (quietly of course) and drinking my Diet Coke.

When we got home, it was a quick meal for Katelyn (her favorite) and bath.  She was so tired, she didn't even play with her toys.  She just sat there quietly until I washed her hair and then she got mad.  Next we were off to pick up D from the bus stop.

Now Baby K is sleeping quietly in her bed and I am sitting with D, enjoying an episode of Parks and Recreation with the volume turned down so it will be quiet.

1 comment:

  1. I love this vignette into your life! And quiet time. I had quiet time too---rented 2 redboxes by myself and ate dried fruit. It was grand.
