Saturday, March 8, 2014

lady sadie

When Dave and I first got married, we both agreed we would never have pets.  We just weren't animal people, we both concurred.  We love animals in zoos and nature and other people's houses but just not in our own.  Dave assured me that he would be the sheriff when it came to this section of the law.  He would be the one to ban dogs and cats and birds and gerbils and hamsters and all other creeping things.  It was decided.

And then he changed his mind.

Dave started talking about dogs.  At first, I thought, "Well, that's cute."  But then he didn't stop talking about dogs.  And then his family got a dog.  And that was pretty much it.

Dave decided that we were a dog family.

But I took some extra convincing.  Dogs are smelly and they lick themselves and they eat food that costs money and some dogs are mean and bite your children.

And then Katelyn came along and fell ABSOLUTELY IN LOVE with dogs.  And I started feeling a little outnumbered.

So, we found the perfect solution.  We would take in my old childhood dog, Sadie.  (By the way, when I say old, I mean old.  She is like thirteen years old.)  My parents didn't mind letting her live with us for a while.  She is well trained and easy to care for.  I know that she is good with Kate and my parents offered to pay for food for the rest of her days.  And, best of all, it was a no obligation deal.  We could give her back to her old home at my parents' house if it didn't work out.  I just couldn't turn it down.

And here's the really crazy part.  I actually really like having her around.  Every time I talk to my parents about it, I keep saying, "I just can't believe I'm a dog person."  Because I really didn't think that I was.  I completely misjudged myself.

Sadie has firmly decided that Dave is the master of the house and listens (nearly) to his every command.  She constantly seeks his approval and attention.  It's good for Dave to have someone who thinks he's in charge.  Just kidding!  LOL!

The best part is that Kate is absolutely and completely in love with Sadie who pretty much always completely ignores her.  Katelyn follows Sadie around all the time and plays a game that she thinks Sadie plays along in.  Kate runs around the island of our kitchen and screams laughing every time she sees Sadie.  She thinks it's a mutual game but Sadie is not involved at all.

So we are dog people.  Who'd have thought?


  1. Lolol I guess both of us have given in and become dog people! Love the video of kate and sadie playing the island game!

    1. Seriously Kellie. I never thought I'd see the day when we both had dogs. Craziness!
