Katelyn is really becoming quite the little conversationalist.
One of her favorite things to say is "Mommy" which, when she decides to say it, she says it in strings of thousands. Daily, I get to listen to a serenade of...
mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy mommy
...until I think I'm going to lose my mind and then I remember how heartbroken I would be if I didn't get to hear that every day.
There are a few words that Kate has made up on her own though.
For example, water is pronounced "abul." I have no idea why. About two months ago, Kate started saying "abul" all the time, every day. For the longest time, I thought she was trying to say "apple" so I would give her apple slices which would only frustrate her because that was so clearly not what she wanted.
She would look at me like I was some apple eating moron.
Finally, we figured it out when she was painting with one of those books where the colors magically appear with a little water. My mom had filled the cup holder of her high chair tray with water and Kate pointed to it and very clearly said, "Abul."
It is kind of distressing to Dave that she keeps calling water "abul" but I find it hilarious. She has an entire life ahead of her to refer to water by it's proper name.
Anything that ends in an "s" is pronounced with a "sh" sound. So bubbles in the backyard becomes "bubblsh" and shoes are "shoosh." I hear "shoosh" a lot because one of her favorite things to do is fetch my shoes from the basket by the door when we are getting ready to leave.
But by far my favorite word in Kate's vocabulary is "Epock."
In case, you didn't know what an epock is, here is a picture.
How is Kate so familiar with epocks? Well, there is a friendly epock living in my parent's backyard. We don't know how he got there but it's been about two weeks now and he never leaves. This afternoon, I was over there and witnessed him pecking on the door to get in. (In his defense, it was raining.)
So now Katelyn has her own pet peacock at Grandma's house. As if she wasn't spoiled enough.
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