I'm extra excited about this year in particular because guess what year it is...
Well, yes. It is 2014 and it technically will be the Year of the Horse but that's not what I'm talking about.
2014 is the Year of Megan.
That's right. It's the Year of Megan because I'm tired of hearing myself complain. And you know what? I've done a lot of complaining lately, which is a shame because I have a pretty good life.
I keep hearing and reading myself say that, "I am just so tired and I feel so unmotivated and I don't think I can lose weight or exercise or keep my house clean."
It reminds me of when Katelyn is in the car and she's not happy about being in her car seat and she keeps crying in that annoying whiney sound. If you're a parent, you know which one I'm talking about. It's the endless, "Ahhhhhhhh......" sound that only breaks for air.
I don't like hearing it from an irritated toddler and it's worse when it's coming from myself.
The worst part of it is that I have been trying to blame it on something external. "I'm tired." "Motherhood is difficult." "Living on a budget isn't fun." "I could lose weight if I could just be thin."
It reminds me of when Kate is in the midst of an epic tantrum and she throws herself to the ground and flails her arms and arches her back and hits her head on the ground. Then she is all upset and indignant that she bonked her head when, in actuality, it was her own fault.
I'm sorry. I'm a mother. Most of my world is viewed through the lens of motherhood so most of my references and analogies have to do with hissy fits, children's books, and poop. It may not be original but it's how my world is constructed at the moment.
Anyway, I have decided that this is it. This is the year of Megan. This is the year that I finally take charge. I have a list of 53 goals. I know that there are only 52 weeks in the year but, as many of you know, I can't deal with even numbers.
I have one goal for every week. One or two weeks might get a bonus. Some of them are simple. Most of them are things the rest of the population is doing already so don't laugh at me because I haven't been. A few of them require months of preparation. At the end of the week, I'll write about it and tell you how I did and how I feel about it.
Move over horse because this is the year of the Megan.
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