Tuesday, July 16, 2013

a vacation pictorial part two

This morning Katelyn enjoyed some fun time with the cousins by having a tea party brunch.

Dave and Kate and I took a walk down memory lane with a drive down to Provo.  We walked around BYU campus, shopped at the bookstore, and ate at the Cougar Eat.

I told Dave that I thought I was going to explode from nostalgia.  I spent the afternoon jumping around and pointing out anything and everything that reminded me of a happy memory.  I kept thinking back to my first year there when I was homesick and begging my parents to bring me home.  I wish I could go back in time to find that startled little freshman to shake her shoulders and yell, "You are having fun and you don't even know it!  Someday you will miss this!!!"  I lost the keys to my time machine though so I'm using it as a learning opportunity to soak up the beauty of the moments around me.

I told Dave that the day would really be complete if Cosmo the Cougar walked by to meet Kate.  Unfortunately, this is as close as we got.

We did however find the Brigham Young statue for a photo op.

Of course we couldn't stop at my alma mater without visiting Dave's.  More fun memories were found at UVU and we had a great time posing by the wolverine.

Poor Dave had an appointment at the dentist which was sad for him but fun for me because I used to work there.  It was so fun catching up with people I haven't seen for a while.

Later there was more sitting around with the cousins.

We also went shopping with Dave's parents where I found Schleich animal heaven and had a mild freak out.

The evening was spent enjoying dinner and some excellent watermelon and watching The Avengers.

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