Thursday, June 27, 2013

#tbt charlie the tuna

I really love tuna fish.

This is obviously not a picture of me eating tuna.  Sorry.  I don't have anything quite that specific.
I have a memory from very early in my childhood of sitting on the beach eating sandy tuna fish sandwiches with my family.  It is a happy memory that always makes me smile and one of the earliest that I can remember clearly.  I'm always reminded of it when I smell tuna.

When I was in elementary school they came out with convenient tuna lunch kits.  In one plastic pouch was a single serving can of tuna, a wooden spoon, mayonnaise, relish, and a cup to mix it in.  The ingenuity of the whole tuna situation blew my mind and I thought they were amazing.  My friends, not so much.  I got teased for the tuna smell so much that I had to ask my mom to stop packing them.  I remember discussing it with her and being so afraid of hurting her feelings.

Then I got a bit older and thought, "You know what?  Too bad if you don't like the smell of tuna.  I'm eating it!"  I triumphantly told my mom that tuna was back on the menu and smiled every time I pulled a tuna pack out of my lunch bag.

Today, Katelyn loves tuna.  It is one of the few foods she will let me spoon feed to her. (She thinks she is all grown up now and throws a fit when I try to feed her.) At least once a week, Katelyn and I sit down together and share a can of tuna.  One small bite for her, two bites for me.

It reminds me of spoon feeding her mashed up bananas almost a year ago and makes me feel like I still have a little baby instead of a grown up toddler. :)


  1. This is great! You would love living here in Peru. They have an entire aisle in every grocery store dedicated to TUNA!!! And no, I am not entire aisle! haha And we don't even eat it! Can't wait to see you guys!!

  2. What a beautiful little girl you were! And I love love tuna too. One of the few things in pregnancy I've missed.
