Saturday, June 1, 2013

saturday stats: chicken strips

My mom says that she can tell that I lost weight when she looks at my face...of course she is a little biased.

Well I for one am relieved to see that the scale went down a bit this week.

At one point yesterday afternoon I realized that my weigh in was looming and I started to freak out a bit.  I will openly admit to weighing myself every day.  I know there are a lot of theories about the negative effects of daily weigh ins and whatever but I am stubborn and still weigh myself every morning right after I use the bathroom and before I eat or drink anything.

Maybe I am just set in my weighs.

Get it ?!?

So I knew that I had lost weight but then I started worrying about retaining water from the day before and the scale not looking like I had lost weight.  I decided I just needed to chill out and let it go.  No one is waiting to execute me if I don't lose any weight.


And then we went to Whataburger for date night and I had chicken strips and thought, "!!!!!!! Sodium!!!!!  I am going to be bloated for Saturday Stats!"

In a way it was a good thing because when I was perusing the kitchen for a late night snack, I changed my mind and went to bed.

So I guess what I am really trying to say is thanks for reading and keeping me honest in the process.  Your cyber support has provided me with an accountability that I lacked in the past.

I'm just glad the chicken strips didn't ruin everything.