Tuesday, May 21, 2013


The sunglasses obsession continues and Kate is still being a bit of a diva.

She just really loves those shades.  Every day, she finds them in her toy drawer, crawls over to me, puts them in my hand and says, "Eh!"  I'm choosing to believe that means "please" but I'm starting to wonder if it has more of a demanding tone than that.

When I put them on, she does not take them off or mess with them except to lift them slightly so she can peer underneath like some sort of celebrity.

Today, we were in the lobby of our apartment complex waiting for my mom to pick us up for the afternoon.  It is a very nice lobby and there are very nice things that a wandering toddler could break so I was a little bit worried that she would get bored and start grabbing for breakables.

Luckily there was a magazine to keep her occupied.  Because if there's anything Katelyn enjoys more than a nice pair of sunglasses is something entertaining to read.

1 comment:

  1. This post makes me want to buy her sunglasses for when she's out here in UT!
