This morning Katelyn went to the library for Story Time with her friend Matthew. Story time is for kids who are not in school yet but are getting ready for pre-school. Kate is a little young but she loved listening to the songs and watching the other kids.
Her favorite part was the "Beanbag Balance" song. Everyone got a bean bag and tried to balance it on their heads, hands, feet, and noses while they sang a song. She was captivated.
This week's Story Time was all about the letter "W" and they read stories about the wind. At the end of the hour, there is a craft for all the kids. Today, they made windsocks to hang outside. Really, I did all the crafting while I tried to keep Katelyn from licking the glue stick but I guess I'll let her take the credit. :)
You guys are so cute together! I wish I could've gone to storytime.