Friday, April 5, 2013

sparkle duty at the church

This weekend we were assigned to help clean up the church.  I saw the assignment list and we were teamed up with my parents and my dad was listed as the Captain.  I staged a mutiny and named myself the Cap'n.  You know, like Cap'n Crunch.

Seeing as how none of us wanted to wake up early on Saturday morning to clean, we decided to meet Friday night.  By the time we got to the church it was eight and poor Katelyn was so tired.  We created a laundry basket sled to keep her occupied while we vacuumed, windexed, and mopped the church.

She was such a good baby and didn't cry at all.


  1. SHE IS PERFECT!!!!! I love this so much. lol I'm surprised Dave wasn't asking for a ride in the laundry basket sled. =)

  2. Omg so cute. So who was the final Cap'n?
