Sunday, March 31, 2013

happy easter!

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  We woke up this morning to find that the Easter Bunny had left us some goodies.  The golden Lindt bunny is mine.  ...all mine.

Next, we went to church where Katelyn sat through an entire Sacrament meeting without having to leave.  It was an Easter miracle!

We had planned to have an egg hunt in my parents' front yard this evening but as we were getting ready to go a HUGE thunderstorm rolled in complete with thunder and lightning.  It rained and hailed just long enough to soak the grass before it thundered on and cleared up.  Kate wasn't too upset about it though.  Grammy and Grampy had an Easter basket for her.

Instead, we ate a delicious dinner of roast beef, mashed potatoes, and green beans.  This was one of my favorite Sunday dinners growing up and Katelyn loved it!  Her favorite part of the meal was the roast beef with gravy.

My parents bought Peepster cupcakes from Gigi's cupcakes yesterday and Kate was so excited about them.  They even had a cupcake just for her.

I'm so grateful for my Savior and His love for all of us.  I have a testimony of His resurrection and the Atonement.

Happy Easter!

1 comment:

  1. She is such a happy baby! Her little easter dress is so cute!
