Thursday, February 7, 2013

sleep walking

I'm not trying to brag but my little baby sleeps 14 hours a day.  She has been sleeping through the night for about six months now.  I'm not sure how I got so lucky but I certainly don't question it.  She loves going to bed at night.  Her daddy sings a few songs to her.  One of them, The Tickle Song, was written by my dad and sung to my siblings and I.  I'm glad we're continuing the tradition.  Katelyn and Daddy have quiet singing time together and then he puts her in her crib and she is asleep in seconds. (I wonder who she gets that from?)

Sometimes she walks in her sleep.  I mean, come on!  She has places to go.

1 comment:

  1. Lol I love this stance...and you are so lucky you have a baby that sleeps that long! I hope I do...
