Friday, January 18, 2013

baby kate waves to the elephants

Today, Katelyn and I went to the zoo.  I'm not one hundred percent sure Kate knew that she was at the zoo.  She didn't really care about any of the animals.  Except she liked the elephants.  She waved at the elephants.  At one point, a huge male lion stood up, shook his rusty colored mane and walked within five feet of the glass enclosure.  I squealed, "Look Kate!  A lion!  Roar!"  She didn't even care.  I was pretty excited about it though.

We went to the zoo with the Moms and Tots group from our ward.  It was so cold that morning but quickly warmed up and was an absolutely beautiful day for watching the animals (or not watching the animals, if you're Katelyn).

I tried to get a picture of the two of us but Kate wasn't really interested in posing for the camera.

She was too busy waving to her friends on the carousel.

The zoo is right next to D's work so we had a lunch date with Daddy.

Katelyn loved "helping" her dad in his office for a bit after lunch.
We had a great time walking around at the zoo.  Maybe next time, Kate will be a bit older and more interested in observing the wildlife. :)

1 comment:

  1. Ha that's cute you could have a lunch date. And at least Kate wasn't balling in fear at the animals!
