Tuesday, July 10, 2012

terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day

Baby K had a rough day today.

She started her bad day at four this morning when she woke up and decided she was done sleeping.  D informed me that she whimpered and fussed for about an hour before that and he had to help her with the pacifier every few minutes.  D and I traded shifts this morning trying to help her get some rest but she would not let us put her down.  It was exhausting but it made me hope for a nice long nap later in the day.

D took little Kate for a few hours so I could sleep.  He woke me up by bringing me a diaper blow out to help deal with.  Gross.

One of Katelyn's favorite things is a hot bath.  She was happy to sit in her tub soaking in the warm water.  She was happy, that is, until I got some soap in her eyes.  I felt horrible.  :(

K spent the next half hour "complaining" to Grandma.  It was pretty hilarious.  She would cry until my mom starting talking to her.  Then she would alternate laughing with giving one of the most pitiful frowns and fake cries I have ever seen.  She couldn't decide what emotion she was feeling.  She was still angry about the soap in her eyes but she was obviously amused by my mom.

thinking about the soap in her eyes
telling grandma about her bad day
trying to hold back a smile :)
Later that afternoon poor Katelyn had some serious gas.  I hate it when she gets gas because her arms and legs flail out and her little belly gets tight.  She has the saddest pain cry I have ever heard.

Luckily, she started to feel better and she settled down for the night just seconds ago.  Here's hoping for a better tomorrow.

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