Friday, July 13, 2012

baby kate celebrates cows

ironic that she's sitting on leather
 Today was Cow Appreciation Day at Chickfila.  If you visit Chickfila dressed head to toe like a cow, you get a free meal.  This is a bit of a tradition in my family.  We have been celebrating Cow Appreciation Day for years.  I would like to say that dressing up like a cow is a small price to pay for some free chicken but I have to admit that we have a lot of fun with an excuse to go out in public dressed like cattle.

katelyn and dad ordering free chickfila sandwiches
 This year we had the most adorable cow in the restaurant.  My mom made a special cow costume for Katelyn complete with a pair of ears and a tail.  When we walked into the dining room, everyone went crazy over the little baby cow.  The restaurant had a special PR employee and she asked us to sign a waiver to put a picture of Baby K on their website.
mad cow disease

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