Thursday, April 28, 2016

the best date ever

For what seemed like a year of my young preteen life, my sister Lauren watched the movie Miss Congeniality nearly every single day.  Sometimes she would watch it more than once in an afternoon.

Needless to say, I became very familiar with the plot, the characters, and some memorable quotes.

In one of those quotes, Miss Rhode Island is asked to describe her idea of the perfect date.  To which she replies...

"That's a tough one.  I'd have to say April 25th because it's not too hot, not too cold.  All you need is a light jacket."

Four years ago, April 25th was scheduled to be the "perfect date."  My first little baby was due on that day.  But while Miss Rhode Island (and later Miss America) was right about that day being "not too hot" and "not too cold," she was a little off on what would really be one of the best dates of my life.

Here are a few of the most memorable moments from that perfect day, April 28th.

The day before Katelyn was born, Dave graduated from Utah Valley University.  That was two days past my due date.  Everyone told me I wouldn't be able to attend the graduation and I said, "Watch me."  I determined that whether I had a baby in my belly or a baby in my arms, I would watch Dave receive his diploma.  And I did.

Katelyn was induced because I went for a routine checkup and there happened to be an empty room in labor and delivery.  I was overdue and tired and nervous about going into labor.  Dave had graduated that morning and we were going to have a family dinner that evening so he suggested that instead of walking over to the hospital to be administered magical potions that would make my delivery delightfully pain free, I should wait until the following Monday.  I remember thinking that it would be hard to deliver a baby after my head exploded into a million pieces all over Dave.

After making the (nearly) unanimous decision that we would have the baby that night, I started to panic.  I called my mom and told her to GET TO THE HOSPITAL RIGHT AWAY.  She asked if she could wait for half an hour so my brother could give her a ride.  I proceeded to make a scene right there in the lobby of the hospital next to the "It's a Girl" balloons.

I never felt any pain at all because of the epidural but I almost did pass out.  Passing out is one of my biggest fears right behind rabies, SIDS, and bird feathers.  As soon as whatever cocktail of medicinal juice was injected, I went into a cold sweat and the corners of my vision got really black and I panicked.  I remember thinking that my last frame of vision would be the dream team of my mom and Dave furiously fanning my face with the legal papers we were still filling out.  Apparently, passing out from an epidural is fairly common and I didn't have the chance to pass out before the anesthesiologist pushed some different brand of liquid into my IV.

Once the epidural was administered, I was supposed to sleep because it was the middle of the night but I couldn't.  I was way too excited.  After Dave fell asleep and my mom settled into a chair, I turned to watching reruns of Roseanne (which I love) that eventually turned into reruns of Three's Company (which I hate).  In the hustle of the grand event, the TV was left on and Katelyn was greeted to the world by the sounds of "Come and knock on our door.  We've been waiting for you," which, now that I think of it, was kind of appropriate given the circumstances.

When Katelyn was finally born and placed on my chest my world changed in a way that I don't think I'll ever have words to eloquently describe.  Although I had carried that sweet baby around for forty weeks and three days, in that moment I knew that I had become a mother right then.  And yet, at the same time, she was so familiar.  It was like a portal of heaven had opened and in walked the Katelyn, my baby, who I had known for eternity and missed for twenty five years.  It was an other worldly experience that was so special it makes me want to consider having litters and litters of children.

Dave went with Katelyn while she was being bathed.  The nurses gave me fair warning that she was being taken into another room but I assumed a bath would take about five minutes.  She was gone for several hours! (It was really more like forty five minutes.) My mom and in laws started filing into the recovery room I had been wheeled into.  The mood was festive and everyone seemed to be celebrating.  I just kept asking different people, "Where's my baby?  Have you seen my baby?  When are they bringing her back to me?"

Katelyn had a bit of a cone head and some swelling in her face from birth.  I remember everyone kept telling me that the swelling would go down and her head would round out eventually.  I had no idea what they were talking about.  I'm not just saying this to be dramatic but, to me, I looked at her and was staring into the face of perfection.

I was really worried that a baby snatcher would come in and swipe this jewel of a baby.  I refused to keep Kate in the nursery and made my mom and Dave help me by taking shifts in an all night vigil to watch over my precious Katelyn.  Eventually, my mom turned into Hercules and actually moved my bed so that it would block Katelyn's crib.  That way, if anyone wanted to take her, they would have to physically climb over my body to get to her.  I finally slept but with one eye open.

When I came home from the hospital, my mom had cleaned my apartment and my Dad and sister were on their way home from the store with fresh groceries for my fridge.  This included a twelve pack of Diet Coke which I had somehow abstained from during most of my pregnancy.  I felt like I had stumbled into heaven.  I remember sitting on the couch with my tiny new baby surrounded by my family and feeling so excited about the rest of my eternity.

Sometimes it feels like April 28, 2012 was just yesterday and some days it feels like a lifetime ago.  That beautiful baby girl made me a mother and in these four short years has taught me so much about happiness and laughter and Hello Kitty and Peppa Pig and unconditional love.  Four short years and one day ago, I hadn't even met her and now I can't imagine what life would be like without her in my life.  She is one of the best things to ever happen to me and I am so grateful that I get to be her mother.

Happy Birthday Katie Girl!

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