Friday, July 6, 2012

baby kate sleeps through the night

Photo: Jammie's on?......check. Full belly of milk? .......check   Cute as a button?......check.  Sleep? way Jose.

I've decided that one of the most common questions people ask about your new baby is, "How does she sleep at night?"

After a while, it gets a bit stressful.  It reminds me of all of the questioning about when that baby will finally be born.  I was one day overdue but people could not stop asking.

After a long night with a wide awake or crying baby, I want to scream at people, "How do you think she is sleeping?!?  She is a baby and she eats every two hours!!!"  Don't worry though.  I bite my tongue.

I read several books on baby sleep cover to cover in preparation for the dreaded "sleep training."  I took what I thought to be the best from each method and created my own strategy for getting Baby K to sleep on her own through the night.

Tonight we officially started sleep training.  I got Katelyn all ready for bed.  We put on her new cat pajamas, she nursed, we said prayers, and I sang songs until her little eyelids started to droop and open very slowly.  I put her down, kissed her goodnight, and walked out of the room.  Little K did a great job trying to sleep.  She only cried when her pacifier fell out of her mouth and within half an hour of checking her every five minutes to put "pah" back into her mouth, she fell sound asleep.

But that's not even the best part.  Katelyn started sleep for long stretches at night three weeks ago.  She usually sleeps from nine at night to six the next morning.  After a quick feeding, she goes back to sleep until nine.  It has been so nice to get such long stretches of sleep.

Hopefully I haven't just jinxed myself for the next year and a half by speaking too soon...

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