Sunday, April 29, 2012

baby kate arrives

It's taken me a while to get to posting about our new little addition.  Being a mom really is full time work!  We are so excited to have our precious baby girl and our life has been getting really exciting.  I really wanted to write a little about Katelyn's grand entrance.

My mom came to visit two days before my due date and Dave's family arrived from Peru just the next day.  Katelyn had an audience waiting for her but in true diva fashion, decided to be fashionably late.  I began my maternity leave from work and my mom and I spent my due date shopping and going out for lunch.  It was a great day and even though I was anxious for the impending arrival, it was really nice to have some fun time with my mom.

The day after Katelyn's due date was Dave's graduation commencement and I had made up my mind to attend the ceremony even if Katelyn had already arrived.

The next day, we all went to the graduation convocation but still there was no baby.  I couldn't believe that I woke up pregnant again but decided to enjoy the day.  We spent the morning walking around campus taking pictures and ate lunch at J Dawgs.  After leaving Provo, I showered and did my hair and Dave and I enjoyed a nap.  Little did I know it would be my last nap as a "non - mom."

That evening Dave's parents had planned a graduation party for Dave and Tina.  But first, I had a doctor's appointment to check up on the baby.  Dave and I headed over to the doctor's office expecting to be sent home to wait.  The appointment took forever but when we finally saw the doctor, she offered to induce that evening.

As soon as she left the room, I felt the full impact of what was about to happen.  I was terrified.  Luckily, the hospital was just down the hall from the doctor's office, so we walked over and I was admitted.

I was hooked up to monitors and IV lines within a half an hour.  I had never been to the hospital before so it was very strange.  I waited for something to happen and I was expecting to feel some serious pain but nothing happened.  The doctor and nurse mentioned more than once that I could have an epidural whenever I wanted.  The epidural was the scariest part to me.  I was afraid that I would move uncontrollably and be paralyzed for the rest of my life.  Because I was so scared about it, I just wanted to get it out of the way.  I went ahead and asked for the epidural right away.  Ironically, it was easy.  I never felt a single pain.  Women everywhere are jealous.

Little Katelyn was born on April 28, 2012 at 5:25 in the morning.  The first thing everyone noticed was her beautiful head of hair.  Not only did she have a full head of gorgeous dark hair, it was really long!  The next thing people noticed was her cone head that went off to the side like Gumbi.  I didn't notice though.  I couldn't get over how beautiful and perfect she was.



Everyone is absolutely in love with baby Katelyn and having her around is so much fun.  I'm still getting the hang of being a new mom but with such a beautiful, sweet girl I couldn't be happier.

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