Sunday, January 1, 2012

so this is the new year ...

... and I don't feel any different.

I guess most people don't really listen to Death Cab for Cutie. I don't really anymore either. And anyway, it's not true because I plan on being very different this year.

There is something about a new start that is appealing to me. I like the idea of a fresh start and I love the idea of the calendar telling me to do that. I only start a diet on a Sunday because for some reason in my mind, it is the first day of the week. Would you believe that I started 52 diets last year? Of course you would.

This year, New Year's Day fell on a Sunday so it was the first of the year and the first of the week all in one.

I was planning on writing about my new resolutions and the overhaul of myself that is to happen this year. But then something happened. Vacation hangover happened.

Vacation hangover happens the day after your plane flight home. The day you return from your vacation you are so happy to lie down on your own bed and take a shower in your own bathroom with your own shampoo and conditioner that you don't even notice it. Even if your vacation was in a five star hotel with unlimited room service and a massage everyday the comfort and familiarity of home is shocking.

The next day, however, the reality sets in. Your body remembers the abuse it took during the holiday free for all of food and staying up late. The side affects of the travel day really become noticeable. You remember that you have to go to work tomorrow. Suddenly, the vacation hangover hits.

A vacation hangover is similar to a regular hangover (not that I would know) in that the more you consume, the worse you will feel. In our case, nearly two weeks on vacation in Houston calls for a fairly terrible day back to real world. D and I woke up tired and grouchy.

I promise I made good resolutions. I will tell them to you tomorrow or next week maybe. Until then, I will give you a small preview and just tell you one.

I resolve not to procrastinate this year.

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