Wednesday, May 4, 2016

fruits of summer

Sam is our little fruit eater.  His very first favorite food was mandarin oranges.  Next, he went through a banana phase.  Like his sister, he loves a good strawberry.

Last summer, we introduced Sam to watermelon.  He loved it, of course.  As soon as he had cleared his plate, he begged for more.  One day he just kept repeating that cycle of eating his plateful and begging for more.  He ate and ate and ate until his little tummy couldn't take it any more and he spewed pink vomit all over my kitchen.

Fortunately, last year's experience didn't ruin his appetite for watermelon.  On Saturday, I cut a huge melon for Kate's birthday party.  When I had more than enough for our guests, I was left with a beautiful wedge of cool pink fruit.  I saved it for Sam.

Sam had watermelon with his lunch yesterday and he loved every bite of it.  He ate it literally down to the rind and even took a bite of that too.  When I finally took away the remainder of it, he cried in anger at me. I guess I know what we'll be making room for in our fridge this summer.


  1. I just spent all of my night feeding time catching up on your blog. So much fun to read! And I'm dying to squeeze your kids! I'll cross my fingers you don't get more pink vomit on your kitchen floor haha ;)

  2. I just spent all of my night feeding time catching up on your blog. So much fun to read! And I'm dying to squeeze your kids! I'll cross my fingers you don't get more pink vomit on your kitchen floor haha ;)
