Monday, March 21, 2016

strawberry fields

Last week, my mom and Dave and I took the kids to Froberg's Farm for some spring time strawberry picking.  As I mentioned in a previous blog post, Kate's favorite fruit is strawberries and fruit in general is Sam's favorite food so we knew this would be a pretty big hit.

That morning Kate told me that she was nervous about picking the strawberries.  Her main concerns were about whether or not there would be buckets for us and if the buckets would have strawberries on them.

Well, lucky for us, they sell buckets with pictures of strawberries on them.  Also, Kate stopped being nervous when she realized she could bring this awesome "Farmer's Hat," as she calls it.

Sam loved wandering around but he got really upset any time we were not all on the same strawberry row.  Kate and I were walking up and down the rows looking for the best strawberries while Sam explored the fields with my mom and Dave.  Anytime Kate and I started picking berries on a different row, he would cry until we were all together again.

Of course, we tried to get a family photo behind these giant strawberry cut outs.  Sam, however, wanted nothing to do with any of that kind of silliness.

And perhaps, my favorite photo of our strawberry picking adventure was this next one below, taken by my mom.  This was right after Sam kicked mud all over Dave's face and right before Kate said, "Get your hand off my shoulder Mom."

Why don't kids cooperate when you all you want is a nice family photo in a field of strawberries?

All in all though, we had a berry good time. :)

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