Friday, March 11, 2016

kate the great

Katelyn left me a fresh batch of selfies on my phone the other day.  She is getting so clever.  Last week, I downloaded a Hello Kitty nail polish game for her to play.  When she returned my phone a few minutes later, she informed me that she downloaded another Hello Kitty game for us to play.  I have no idea how she did this or how much it cost me.  It's amazing to me how much she knows about technology already.

She is growing up way too fast.  I know that every parent says this and I've heard it from so many others about a million and a half times.  But when it's your little child growing at an alarming rate, it's incredible.  It seems like every day she says something delightfully entertaining and witty.  I wanted to write a blog post dedicated to some of the wonderful things about Kate as a three year old so I never forget them.

Kate is so kind and loving.  She really worries about all of her friends and family members.  If she thinks I'm ever sad or not feeling well, she will go into "Mommy mode."  She calls me Katelyn and talks in a high pitched "Mommy" voice and hovers around me.  She loves to tuck people into bed with blankets pulled tight up to their chins and she'll spend several minutes neatly arranging the blanket to lay perfectly flat, all while saying things like, "It's okay sweetie.  Just take a nap."

One of Kate's favorite things to do is color.  She draws beautifully detailed pictures of our family.  Each family member has very specific features like eyelashes and nostrils.  Dave always has, as Kate puts it, "dots on his chin."

Kate's all time favorite show on TV right now is Peppa Pig.  We watch that show every day and she can snort as loud as Daddy Pig.  The best part of that show is the theme song that gets stuck in my head every night as I'm trying to fall asleep.

She has a few favorite foods.  She loves donuts from the local Billy's Donuts.  Her favorite fruit is strawberries.  I'm lucky they are coming in season soon because she begs me for strawberries every single time we're at the store.  I have explained that because they are not in season, strawberries are too expensive and they wouldn't be very sweet now anyway.  Unfortunately, three year olds don't quite grasp the concept of seasonal fruit buying.  Her dad, however, is always talked into buying her strawberries at five dollars a pound.  Of course, along with the rest of our family, Katelyn loves cheese.

Kate has an entire crew of imaginary friends.  Among the top ones are Pinda, a baby penguin who is her daughter and Pingu, Pinda's older brother.  Like most of her imaginary friends, Pingu is the title character of an animated TV show Kate watches.  She also quite frequently communicates with Ryder from Paw Patrol and the crane from the movie Kung Fu Panda.  I'm pretty sure she has a crush on Robin Hood (the fox from the Disney version).

Katelyn has such a sweet and vibrant personality.  Sometimes it is so brilliantly vibrant that is leaves me exhausted at the end of the day.  But I wouldn't have it any other way.  She truly is Kate the great.


  1. There is a farm in Alvin where you can pick your own. She may enjoy doing that.

    1. Thanks for the idea! I think we will be taking her soon. She would love that! :)
