Sunday, July 29, 2012


D was the first person to cook an international dish and he chose Brazil.  I thought that was really appropriate considering that the next Olympic Games will be held in Rio de Janeiro.  D planned a delicious menu and took the lead in the kitchen.

We ate feijoado with rice for dinner.  It was excellent.  It reminded me a lot of red beans and rice.

D also made pao de queijo from scratch.  I have always said that my favorite food is bread (much to D's shock) and bread with cheese in it is even better.  When we lived in Provo, the local grocery store sold an imported box mix and we loved it.  We couldn't find it here so D found a recipe online and we made them ourselves.  They were a little bit different but they were still really good.

Last but definitely not least and probably best, we made brigaderos.  They were a little bit of work but worth the effort for sure.  We had a little assembly line and made them in no time.  We also ate them in no time. :)

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