Thursday, June 7, 2012

billy reuben

While we were in the hospital, Katelyn came down with jaundice.  Luckily it was completely normal and just a sign of too much bilirubin in her blood.  In the hospital, she had to sleep under blue bili lights to help her liver break it down.  The lights were like a baby little tanning bed but K did not like being unswaddled.

After we left the hospital, K had her bilirubin levels checked again and she needed more time under the lights at home.  She really was unhappy with the whole situation but the first night we were able to make her feel a little more secure by rigging the bili light bed with bananas and a bag of bagels.  It was pretty funny looking but it helped Baby K sleep that night.

One of the most misleading aspects of the jaundice was that it made Baby K sleep through the night.  I had to set alarms to wake her up to feed.  Everywhere we took K she slept in her carseat and never made a peep.  She slept almost every hour of the day.  It was really easy to take care of such a sleepy baby but kind of alarming that she was never awake. Things have changed...

We had to take Baby K to the hospital every day to make sure she was getting better.  Poor K had to get blood drawn every time.  I hate getting my blood tested but babies have their blood drawn from their heels which somehow seems more painful.  Finally, After a few days of phototherapy, she she was all better and didn't need any more bili lights.  We were so glad to be done with the lights but not as happy as Katelyn.

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