When I was young, I remember Sunday afternoons being especially difficult. My family and I believe in keeping Sunday as a day of rest, a concept which I now understand and respect. That meant no going out or playing with friends, which as a ten year old, sometimes seemed like a day long prison sentence.
My parents would bring us home from church, have a nice family early dinner, and then take a Sunday nap. (A tradition which I now also understand and adore.) However, my siblings and I would get bored. Unbelievably bored.
By the time my parents finished their nap, we were stir - crazy. By the time my dad finished reading the paper, we were downright unruly. So, my dad invented a wonderful game. He called it "What Would You Choose?"
WWYC was simple. Dad would open the advertisements from the Sunday paper. The four of us would lay on the floor. Then, Dad would choose two different items being advertised and ask "What would you choose?" Each of us would answer and then without explanation or defending our choice, we would move on to the next two items.
Dad would look through nearly all of the ads with us. We read through the Sears ad and the department store papers, choosing between clothing and jewelry, games and shoes, until we weren't bored anymore.
Today at Walmart, I walked through the home goods section, choosing in my mind what I would buy if my bank account balance had a few more zeros at the end instead of the beginning.
But this time, I bought something. :)
I remember that game!! Want to know when it started?....When Dad and I were first married and didn't have a dime to our name. We loved to look at every Sunday paper and play. Sometimes I just thought...."If I only had 10 dollars....." Those were wonderful days.